Sunday, June 12, 2011

Too hot

Well the weather has been atrocious. Things are growing a little bit slower, but still going well overall.

Squash peppers and tomatoes are starting to produce. I am still managing to get a little bit of broccoli, as long as I pick the florets when they are very small before they flower.  In the process of eating the cabbages as well.  The cooler weather crops are holding up to the heat surprisingly well.

Green zebra tomatoes.  All the tomatoes are doing well, except for poor Mr. Stripey who contracted some sort of wilt.  RIP Mr Stripey!

Cabbages.  Before they were eaten.  Left the bases and stems to try and grow some cabbage sprouts, may be too hot for that though.

My favorite squash, Crookneck squash.  

Baby peppers forming.  I don't remember which one this is, Mexibell I think.

Snap peas in the foreground, the trellis's in the background are for winter squash to grow up on. Hopefully.

Pole beans! They have been loving the heat.

Watermelon and some bizarre failed attempt at a trellis for it. The trellis is just too small.

Baby swiss chard. Growing slow in the heat, but not bolting :)

Snap peas are delicious. One of my favorite things in the garden.

Speaking of the winter squash, here are some of the seedlings. Late to the party but finally sprouting. I have about 7 hills of winter squash seedlings going.

Last, but certainly not least the beginnings of some royal beans. Yay for purple beans.

All in all it is going fairly well. The cauliflower never produced a head, they're gone. Kohlrabis have all been eaten, radishes are almost all eaten and cabbages will be gone soon as well. May start a little bit of corn but that is about it for planting between now and the end of July. I may start another row of beans or swiss chard before then. I built an herb garden in my front yard, will update that next.

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