Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Herb Garden

In my quest to get rid of all grass(which I have a rational hatred for) I have decided to expand this thing and make it into a full herb garden.  When i first bought the house there was grass and a dead tree there. Little did I know I was going to get really into gardening, so I just built this shoddy bed and threw plants in randomly.

I expanded it out the back, dug up the holly in the middle and put in under a window on the side of the house, moved whatever the other two bushes are back(some kind of elderbush) and added herbs in the middle. Rasberries and blueberries on both sides, and I am digging up the grass all around the outside and planting blue liriope.
Now it is basically done, just need to finish mulching and graveling. And possibly plant one more raspberry in the back left corner.

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