Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day update

Ate some of the kohlrabi. Interesting taste, but good enough I bought a packet of seeds to grow more. Also some radish greens and broccoli in there. The radishes took too long to grow, they ended up really spicy.

The pole beans are shooting up fast, starting to grab onto the trellis

Stonehead cabbages are about ready to harvest, the red cabbages are taking longer to produce heads. They also got bigger then I expected, I planted them too close together. Oops :)

Red cabbage

Stonehead Cabbage

Collard Greens

Collard greens are filling out well. May have to stake them up sometime soon.

Onion flower

I left onions in over winter, they wouldn't bulb up but I am about to collect their seeds for next year.
Carrots coming up

I really need to weed.  Everything is nice and green though :)

I have sometime before I plant falls crops, so the only thing I have left to plant for a bit are these guys.  I am going to try and build a wooden trellis to support them to save some space.  Planting them were the kohlrabis where, and will let them grow into the cabbage space after I pick them.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Picture Time

 This is the left side of the garden in early May.

Early May

My spinach decided to bolt earlier this week. It was still tasty, but I wish it had held out a little longer to get a bigger harvest. I did need the space though, so it worked out.

This is a kohlrabi. One of several things I have planted that I had never eaten before. The leaves I have been picking and using as greens, and the base will eventually turn into an orb which I plan on stuffing and eating.

The trellis in the foreground is for snap peas, and the large one with string to the left in the background is for pole beans.
 Heirloom tomatoes in their cages.

Stonehead and red cabbages

Baby broccoli
Crookneck squash
Stonehead cabbage

Last picture is a lot of broccoli. I currently have several types of beans sprouting, and swiss chard and collard greens to keep me in greens while it warms up.  The zucchinis and squash are starting to fill out.  I would like to plant some watermelons but they take up a lot of space so I will have to find a good place for them.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Plant list

I will update with more pictures later, but here is a list of what I have planted so far.
3/17-Brussels sprouts, broccoli, red cabbage, cauliflower
3/18-Buttercrunch lettuce, collard greens, spinach
3/21-kohlrabi, stonehead cabbage
4/6-carrots, snap peas
5/2-lima beans, royal beans, green beans, yellow squash, zucchini, bell & banana peppers,
5/4-Peppers-jalapeno, cubanelle, cayenne, mexibell, red hot cherry
5/12-Pole beans(spanish musica), swiss chard, bunch onions, cucumbers
5/17-chocolate beauty pepper, heirloom tomatoes (garden peach, mortgage lifter, sungold, white, mr. stripey, brandywine, cherokee purple, green grape, green zebra, la roma)

And the picture is my new enemy, the cabbage worm

Beginning of a blog

I planted my garden back at the end of March, which was probably too early. Especially since it snowed after I planted!  Initially I planted broccoli seedlings, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbages, kohlrabi, spinach, lettuce, and collard greens. I had to tuck it in at night to protect it from the snow/sleet for a few nights. It looked silly, but it worked and I didn't lose any plants.