Saturday, September 15, 2012

Blogger fail

I suck at this blogging thing. This post is primarily going to be pictures of things after I picked them because I just have not taken that many pictures of the garden this year. Highlights this year, peppers, tomatoes, lettuces, mustard greens, beans. Lowlights-cucumbers ( I got 4), squash (I hope there is a special insect hell for squash vine borers), watermelons ( I just didn't give them any attention or try on them this year) and collards (screw you whiteflies). Here we go.



a few

garden shots

Gardening made me learn to cook. So that's cool.
 A lot of stuff in this one. Beets, an eight ball zuchinni (which was supposed to solid green), various tomatoes (black cherry, green grape, sungold, better boy F1, green zebra, probably some other ones I forgot), green and purple beauty peppers, jalapenos, onions, rainbow chard, pepperocinis, some sort of italian bippity boppity green sweet peppers.
 Red onions and green peppers
 White onion and a whole lot of the world's smallest shallots.
 Basil and more various tomatoes.
 Purple potatoes, onion, hungarian wax peppers, jalapeno
 Yellow onions drying. My onions were tiny but very good.
 More peppers, tomatoes, wax beans
 Ferocious beasts guarding the harvest. One of my sorry cucumbers, more bell peppers, more tomatoes, wax beans, pole beans (blue lake)
 Just liked the colors in this shot

I think you can figure out what these pictures are. I have gotten a ridiculous amount of peppers this year. No coincidence I planted them in the side bed where I really worked the soil. Need to work the soil in the back this winter. Still having a blast and still failing to update. Thanks for reading!