Wednesday, April 18, 2012

So much for frequent updates

Well spring has been busy. Shocking I know. I expanded the space of the garden this year, it's about 20'x30' now and takes a large portion of the backyard. I don't get optimal sun thanks to the giant oak trees that shit leaves all over my yard every fall, but I don't have the money to have the trees removed and the shade is nice. For me, not so much for the plants. By expanding it more towards the house I will get more sun.

I started a lot of seedling indoors for the first time this year. It has been going pretty well. These are broccoli raab, cabbages, leeks, kohlrabis, head lettuce, collard greens, and probably some other stuff I forgot. This is when I was hardening them off, early March probably. Put them all out in the garden and the weather promptly decided it was summer and we had a string of 80 degree days. In March. I currently have tomatoes, basil and some hot peppers waiting to be transplanted out.

Broccoli raab when I first transplanted it above, and basically mature to the right. Two of these 3 plants are in my belly now. I had never had broccoli raab before, I have to say I really like it. And I don't particularly care for normal broccoli.

 Cabbages mostly, some onions as well.
 Mustard greens are the small close together plants. The yellow flowers are a broccoli raab that bolted, but bees seem to enjoy the flowers so I am leaving it be.
 Beets. Another new thing this year. These are chioggia or candy cane beets. In theory they will be pretty to look at. I don't think I have ever eaten a beet.
 Regular broccoli. Growing slow in the shade, but at least it's not bolting.
 Carrots I think, and more broccoli raab.
 Mesclun, baby lettuces.
Some of the beds are starting to fill in. Still nothing on the trellis's except one which has peas. Eventually there will be pole beans and vining squash on the trellis'.

This is the cinder block bed I built on the side of the house. Have lots growing in it, chard, radishes, spinach, lettuce. Getting rid of the grass (I hate grass!) Im putting newspaper and cardboard underneath a layer of mulch. All the grass in the front is gone, most of the rear is the garden and now the side is almost done. Once I get the grass out of the other side I'll be done.

So that's whats happening. In the ground, radishes (black round spanish, regular red globes, icicle, watermelon), lettuces (red sails, salad bowl, pablo, black seeded simpson, mesclun), spinach(bloomsdale longstanding), kohlrabi, broccoli, broccoli raab, cabbage, collard greens, mustard greens, arugula, onions, leeks, peas, raddichio, horseradish, catnip, lovage and garlic I overwinted.. Small quantities of everything. Still have large beds empty, one for tomatoes basil and borage, one for squash.